We are proud to announce that Scailable has been acquired by Network Optix.
For the announcement on the Network Optix website, move here.

Edge AI Workshop with MCS

Using the MCS AI gateway you can add Artificial Intelligence (AI) to any security camera. Join our interactive workshop to learn how to reduce the false alarms, detect license plates, locate vehicles, and prevent theft (and much more).

Join us on Tuesday, the 28th of February, in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.


12.30: Lunch.
 Opening – John van Nijnatten – Founder/Business Developer, MCS.
13.10: What is Edge AI? – Maurits Kaptein – CEO, Scailable.
13.35: Surveillance & logistics applications – Maurits Kaptein – CEO, Scailable.
14.30: Break.
14.45: The MCS AI gateway – Dominique van Doorn – VP Strategic Partnerships, Scailable.
15.45: Closing.

Sign up now!


    Date: Tuesday, February 28, 2023.
    Reception: from 12.30 including sandwich lunch.
    Workshop: Lunch at 12.30, Workshop starts from 13.00.
    Address: MCS Head Office – Kiotoweg 719, 3047 BG Rotterdam.


    Edge AI developments are moving at lightning speed.

    Since its introduction, great advances have been made in the technical capabilities of Edge AI.

    In this workshop, we will provide a technical update on the Scailable AI Manager and its new capabilities in surveillance and logistics. This software is a crucial part of the MCS AI Gateway.

    Accompanied by live demos, this workshop is a great resource for technical people who want to further explore the possibilities of artificial intelligence solutions.

    There will be a focus on applications within surveillance and logistics.

    In preparation, we recommend that you download and read the white paper Edge AI. If you don’t have one yet – please request it here.